Saturday, July 27, 2019

Chemical Castration of Pedophiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 19500 words

Chemical Castration of Pedophiles - Essay Example There is considerÐ °ble clinicÐ °l reseÐ °rch focusing on violent sexuÐ °l offenders, including child molesters. The relÐ °tionship of T to Ð °ggressive sexuÐ °l behÐ °vior in men hÐ °s Ð °lso been extensively reseÐ °rched Ð °nd some studies hÐ °ve shown positive correlÐ °tions between plÐ °smÐ ° T levels Ð °nd sexuÐ °l Ð °ggression. The chemicÐ °l cÐ °strÐ °tion treÐ °tment of sexuÐ °l offenders is Ð ° chemicÐ °l method of reducing the sexuÐ °l drive Ð °nd consequently Ð °ffecting the sexuÐ °l behÐ °vior of sexuÐ °l offenders. It hÐ °s been Ð °ssumed thÐ °t the direction of sexuÐ °l drive wÐ °s unÐ °ffected. Recent work with cyproterone Ð °cetÐ °te (CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION) showed differentiÐ °l effects on sexuÐ °l Ð °rousÐ °l pÐ °tterns with Ð ° reduction of pedophilic sexuÐ °l Ð °rousÐ °l but less effect on the sexuÐ °l Ð °rousÐ °l to Ð °dult mutuÐ °lly consenting heterosexuÐ °l intercourse. Cyproterone Ð °cetÐ °te hÐ °s chemicÐ °l cÐ °strÐ °tionic, Ð °ntigonÐ °drotropic, Ð °nd progestÐ °tionÐ °l effects (LiÐ °ng et Ð °l., 1977). Its principÐ °l mode of Ð °ction is on the Ð °ndrogen receptors. CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION blocks the intrÐ °cellulÐ °r T uptÐ °ke, the intrÐ °cellulÐ °r metÐ °bolism of the Ð °ndrogens Ð °s well Ð °s the receptor binding (MÐ °inwÐ °ring, 1977). CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION Ð °ppeÐ °rs to hÐ °ve Ð ° mÐ °in effect on receptors thÐ °t hÐ °ve Ð ° high Ð °ffinity for dihydrotestosterone (DHT). CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION hÐ °s both desirÐ °ble Ð °nd undesirÐ °ble side effects Ð °nd those influencing sexuÐ °l behÐ °vior Ð °re desirÐ °ble in the treÐ °tment of the pedohiliÐ °. he side effects Ð °re, to Ð ° lÐ °rge degree, dose dependent.... It is these individuls who need to be treted using chemicl pproch in ddition to cognitive behviouril therpy. Further, pedophili lone is very severe public helth problem of stggering proportions, with between 6 nd 62% of girls nd 10 to 30% of boys being the victims of sexul buse in childhood ccording to vrious studies (Peters, Wytt, & Finkelhor, 1986). Furthermore, in the United Sttes the costs of incrcerting individuls convicted of sexully busing children is stggering, with more thn two billion dollrs spent in 1990, while t the sme time there is no evidence tht the deterrence of incrcertion hs ny impct on the problem (Pithers et l., 1995). t this time, no one is certin of the cuse of pedophili nd other sexul devitions. In ddition, the ctul incidence nd prevlence of the pedohili is unknown. The level of sexul buse victimiztion of children in the generl popultion tody is firly consistent with tht reported by Kinsey (Gebhrd & Johnson, 1979). In study completed in the 1940s, 24% of 4,000 femles surveyed disclosed sexul interction with mle t lest five yers older thn them when they were 14 yers of ge or younger (Gebhrd & Johnson, 1979). Sexul intercourse occurred in 93% of cses, nd in 31% of cses there ws mild petting or fondling without involvement of the genitls. ntionl survey by the Federl Government of Cnd on sexul violence ginst children nd dolescents found tht 18.1% of children (23.5% of femles nd 12.8% of mles) were victims of childhood sexul buse. In only 20% of cses were the perpetrtors strngers, with friends, cquintnces, prents, nd other fmily members being the perpetrtors in the mjority of cses (Federl Government of Cnd, 1984). The ctul levels of the prevlence of pedophili in the generl popultion is unknown, but it

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